Call on Donations

"The School that the community built

               For sure, the Diclum Elementary School welcomes and cordially take notes your success stories brought about by the education you obtained from Diclum.  All of us love to talk about our childhood memories while still in Diclum.  You know very well your teachers and loves meeting and greeting them every now and then.  Most of us take pride that we are alumni of Diclum Elementary School, the school that was once named as one of the Most Effective Public Elementary Schools in the Philippines.

              Our school's success has largely been due to the remarkable support system of the community in Fatima, Diclum and Igdalguit.  Many of our school projects in the past were easily achieved due to this strong support system.  This time, the school counts on a much visible alumni support system locally and abroad.  The school needs more funds to support its services.  The school receives a maintenance and other operating expenses (MOOE) fund from DepEd yearly which is used for repairs and operations. None is left for the development of its library services, science laboratory, and other special services. The school is very happy to hear from you. It welcomes any initiatives for projects and donations in cash or in kind.  Any amounts-big or small- will surely contribute to the achievement of the school's vision for a sustainable operation of the school special services.  This way, you can share to others whatever success stories and great memories you have with our school in a more meaningful and productive manner.

              All donations are channeled thru the school's endowment fund and its record is made public periodically.  The projects where donations are spent depend on the wishes of the donors with proper consultation from the school authorities. 

               For more information, please contact 

Mrs. Mary Ann P. Huelar
Principal I

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