Farewell, Ma'am Lilay...

The Diclum Elementary School community is saddened by the passing of its former grade 6 teacher, Mrs. Lilia V. Asgar.

 She succumbed to breast cancer on April 14, 2012, a disease that also claimed two teachers in the District last year.   Mrs. Asgar, 66, retired in 2006. She started teaching in Diclum in 1992 as a Grade I teacher but after the reitrement of Mrs. Maria A. Sa-onoy, she transferred as a Grade VI teacher with Miss Priscilla F. Pelingon as her partner.  She will always be remembered for cheerful character and commitment to teaching.

She will be offered a final tribute on May 17th, 2012, 12:00 noon at Dao Social Hall by the District of Tobias Fornier. Requiem Mass will follow at 2pm at Dao Parish Church.

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